Brain Scaping Mindset Coach

To develop skills to defeat
the primitive mind for
modern times

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Our Mindset Coaches Empower Our Clients with The Tools Needed to Escape the Persistent Bombardment of a Negative Mindset

Are you struggling to take control of your life from your primitive brain? Are you feeling hopeless do to the constant negative mindset and powerless to change this? Are you dealing with intrusive thoughts, limited beliefs and even self-doubt? If so, it’s time to take back your control and power so you can unleash your maximum potential with the help of a mindset coach.

As a mindset coach, I will help you to understand why your brain keeps giving you this negativity. A primitive brain needs the proper understanding so you can care for it properly. Multiple factors go into caring for the primitive brain so it can benefit you for the modern times I will teach you how to control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to regain control of your life. We will work together to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and I will equip you with the tools and techniques you will need to overcome your negative mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and my personal favorite (not serious) the intrusive thoughts

At Brain Scaping, you will learn how to have fulfilling and satisfying life by being empowered to take control of your future. With my help, you will transform a primitive brain into your brilliant, powerful cognitive ally while on your mission to create your perfect personal and professional life. If you are ready to work hard for the changes, follow the program daily, understand you are going to have ups and downs, and are ready to stand your ground for betterment, then get in touch today to begin your journey to.

As a mindset coach, I assist you in overcoming your negative mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and intrusive thoughts, and become a stronger version of yourself. Life can be devastating at times, and you can encounter stressful situations that could leave you in a very negative mind space. But there’s no need to feel hopeless! Our mindset coaching program along with our private Facebook group offers support and guidance to our clients who are struggling with negative mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, intrusive thoughts, and/or struggling with negativity due to a disability. We do this by helping you to identify and achieve your goals and finding the proper tools and technique that will work for you. As a result, you overcome your negativity and doubts, while you develop a more positive outlook on life.


Life coaching



Life coaching



Personal Confession

If you do not know my story and why I became a Mindset coach and WHY I personally want to help YOU, here is a shortened version!!!

Growing up in a time without internet and video games, I would run the streets with all the neighborhood kids. I did skate boarding, freestyle bike riding, and martial arts as my hobbies.

When I was doing martial arts, on occasions I had my head rocked. Back then it was known as being punch drunk and you just walked it off. Once the wobble was gone you would go back for more. That was mostly ego driven.

Then I joined the military and loved it up to the day of my accident. I fell from the top of a ladder and fell about twenty feet. I do not remember anything from that point on for multiple days. After that incident, my life changed. Started noticing the compulsions, everything had to be in its place and needed to be exactly right to the point of measuring them for proper distance. Along with that came the checking as well. I had to make sure all windows and doors locked, and all appliances were turned off. I could leave the house and be hours away and if a slight doubt came to mind, I would need to return home to check.

mindset coach

From Being Controlled by Your Primitive Mind, To Controlling Your Mind for These Modern Times!

Negative Mindset

Life is too short to be pessimistic! And with negativity, you can only make it worse. Life might be too short, yet it can get hard at times—more than you can endure.

When things get tough, our primary focus is to guide our clients in developing positive coping mechanisms to help them through those times. This includes assisting clients in coming out of a negative worldview and cultivating a more positive outlook on life.

Our mindset coaching helps you locate and process the stressors that trigger this negativity and learn how to handle stressful situations to benefit your overall health. This entails various activities, one of which is assisting customers in cultivating a more positive and constructive outlook on life.

Intrusive Thoughts

It’s understandable that you can be anxious and have intrusive thoughts. You might feel trapped in an endless loop of hardships and suffering. You might feel there is no way out.
Most people have intrusive thoughts from time to time, but for some, these thoughts can become so persistent and distressing that they can significantly impact their daily life.

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts, images, or impulses that repeatedly enter a person’s mind. These thoughts can be upsetting and/or disturbing, and they can cause a great deal of anxiety.

Our mindset coaching sessions help our clients to understand their intrusive thoughts and to develop strategies to cope with them. In addition, we provide support and guidance as our clients learn to manage their thoughts and live their lives more positively and productively.

Limited Beliefs

Many people confine themselves to assumptions and limit their potential horizons. That’s like underestimating your abilities and trying to cage yourself in a box when you deserve the freedom to explore and express yourself! Some people have these limited beliefs that prevent them from living what they desire, deserve, and can get. For example, they think they’re not smart enough for the job, attractive enough to be loved, or capable due to a disability. Though these assumptions that breed such limited beliefs can be internal and people-influenced, they prevent you from accomplishing the things you want.

There’s no need to worry, for Brain Scaping is here with a solution that liberates you from these self-restraining limited beliefs. With our mindset coaching program, we can assist you in recognizing your limited beliefs and initiating the process of changing those beliefs. We will help you understand how their presence affects your life and prevents you from realizing your full potential. Together, we will work to develop new, more empowering beliefs that will assist you in moving forward in life. As a result, you will finally be able to start living the life of your dreams with our assistance.


We want you to go through a positive transformation toward a happier, healthier, and prosperous future. Self-doubt is an emotion characterized by fear or anxiety that comes in as a result of doubting your capabilities & potential. Many people feel self-doubt at different life stages, such as public speaking, exams, or interviews. While some doubt is normal and can help prepare for these events by pushing you to do your best, others may experience more intense and debilitating self-doubt that can prevent them from living a wholesome and enjoyable life.

Our mindset coaching sessions help clients to understand and work through their self-doubt. First, we help them identify the thoughts and beliefs causing them to underestimate themselves and then work with them to create new, more empowering beliefs. We also provide tools and techniques for managing anxiety and stress from insecurities and self-doubts, so our clients can live more confidently and peacefully.


Brain Scaping

Stop living with self-limitation from your disability.
Become a new stronger version of you.
Become empowered to control your life and finances.

Say Goodbye to All the Negativity, Self-Doubt, and Limited Beliefs

Brain Scaping offers one-on-one mindset coaching for individuals, group coaching, and online learning resources to assist people in learning and putting into practice healthy coping strategies. In addition, Brain Scaping coaches are available 24×7 so that you can approach us without hesitation in times of need! 

Brain Scaping wants to bring an impactful and definitive change in society. We assist people in recognizing the patterns of thinking that they engage in and work with them to cultivate helpful and optimistic worldviews.

Our program aims to instill entrepreneurial values in you by developing a winner’s mentality. In addition, as a mindset coach, we curate a highly personalized diet & exercise program for you to be healthy.

People can live more satisfying lives because of the strategies and tools we make available to them to help them manage their thoughts and emotions. We offer you access to result-driven mindset coaching, resources, tools, guidance, information, and services.


Start your
Brain Scaping

There's No Need for You to Suffer Alone

We have curated a highly structured and personalized mindset coaching program that has proven to bring a 180-degree transformation into countless troubled lives. The human brain holds limitless potential beyond our imagination, and you must never let anything downplay that cognitive strength and your free spirit!

Our mindset coaching can be helpful if you have trouble with self-doubt. After an initial consultation in which your concerns are addressed, your coach will assist you in locating and comprehending the source of your intrusive thoughts to help you move forward on a growth-orientated path. Then, together, you will work on developing a more positive outlook and learning techniques to manage negativity and limited beliefs.

You’ll also learn how to set attainable goals to help you move forward more constructively. Our mindset coaching program entails one-on-one sessions that typically last for forty-five minutes and are scheduled weekly or biweekly depending on your requirements.

See Why 1,000's of People Trust Us

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Read our latest updates and sign up to get news delivered straight to your inbox. We are proud of what we have achieved at Brain Scaping. From providing support to the latest research, we do a lot! Read our updates below on our community, our research, and the support we provide.

When you think of meditation, what comes to mind?

There are many benefits of meditation that people often talk about


The brains behind Brain Scaping—Our Founder & Chief Mindset Coach, Leslie Yancey, holds rigorous experience in the field, proficiency, and well-renowned, professional mindset coach certifications from Certified Life Coach Institute. He has the perfect credentials to be a life coach and is well-equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help people change their mindsets and achieve their goals. His mindset coach certifications testify to his dedication to his passion, and our client testimonials are compelling evidence of his result-driven skill set.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our chief mindset coach and book a life-transforming session!